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Simply put, we can say that the QR code is the natural evolution of the barcode. Its name derives from "Quick Response Code", due to the speed at which they can be scanned. This code allows for easy access to different information through a mobile device.
They are as useful as all the different types of content they can offer. In fact, in recent years, this type of code is becoming more widely accepted among all kinds of people. It's logical since with just one scan you can access a variety of different information and even facilitate certain tasks such as connecting to a Wi-Fi network. A QR code can help you improve the service or product you offer, interact with your customers and promote your business, among other things.
Many. There are as many types of the different kinds of content that may be associated with them. At QR Color, we offer you a tool to create a wide variety of them: Wi-Fi, website, vCard, PDF, images, videos, apps and menus. And all in the simplest way.
There are several factors that influence whether a person or potential customer can read a QR code, but without a doubt, the most important factor is that the individual who wants to scan the code needs to have a mobile phone. Nowadays, there are many mobile devices that can read QR codes with the camera itself, by simply pointing the camera at the code to scan it. If this doesn't work, you may need to download an application designed to read QR codes. But don't worry! There are several apps that do just this.
The biggest difference between the two is that the dynamic QR code can be edited even after being printed, and the static one cannot. Therefore, the dynamic QR code allows us to change both the function and the content at any time and as many times as we want. Another big difference is that dynamic QR codes allow you to collect statistics on the scans made in order to get as much information as possible.
No, due to the technical differences between each of the codes.
There are different platforms and tools to create your own QR, but none like CreateQRCode. CreateQRCode not only lets you create custom QR codes, you can also manage and edit your code, and make analytical monitoring them.
QR codes also have an error prevention system. Thanks to this system, up to 30% of the structure of the QR code can be damaged without affecting its ability to be read. If the damage is greater, it may be impossible to read.
With our QR code creator, anyone can create their own.
Yes. As long as the maximum number of characters is respected.
No. To avoid errors in the process of reading the QR code, this option is not available. But don't worry, we use a standard size so that the logo is easily readable and doesn't compromise the scan.
Yes. Within the "My QR Codes" section, you can see all the QR codes that you have created. Just click on the edit button (pencil symbol) to be able to make changes to your QR code.
Yes. We recommend that you always scan the QR code preview with your mobile device to check that it's working.
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